Much work needs to be done to advance longevity for all Americans.
Philanthropy is more important than ever in ensuring that Stanford Medicine is in the forefront of Longevity and Healthy Aging. Charitable gifts to our center provide critical resources to develop new therapies, prevention strategies, and methods of early detection that reduce the burden of chronic illnesses that decrease quality of life. Your support enables us to advance promising new research and, train future generations of physicians and scientists advancing longevity medical research and share our knowledge with the community.
Gifts may be made in memory or in honor of your parents or loved ones to mark a special birthday or anniversary or other special occasion. Tribute gifts are a thoughtful way to show your support for our longevity and healthy aging research program, and we will inform you and the person(s) you are honoring that a gift has been made in their name(s).
If you are interested in supporting our research on longevity and healthy aging, please contact Dr. Periyakoil. No amount of money is too small or too large.

Dr. Periyakoil,
Director of Stanford Medicine’s Center of Longevity and Healthy Aging
<periyakoil at>
Thank you and we look forward to hearing from you.